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A video-survey using a Super Mohawk remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was conducted in October 2015 in a site near Cape Dyer, Nunavut. The benthic environment was video-recorded and opportunistically photographed using a high-definition camera (1Cam Alpha, Sub C Imaging, 24.1 megapixels), at a depth of ~750 m along a transect line 935 m long.
Acoustic data was generated from the multibeam Kongsberg Simrad EM300 and EM302 multibeam sonar system on the CCGS Amundsen. This bathymetric data subset covers the Greenlandic Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ), i.e. outside of the 12 nm territorial sea extent and within the 200 nm EZZ, from 2003 to 2014. The datasets consist of high-resolution bathymetry and acoustic backscatter imagery collected 24 hours a day, whenever the ship was in transit or had dedicated survey time. Standard collection settings used dual-ping, FM pulse, auto depth mode, angular coverage of +/- 60 degrees and high density equidistant beamforming. The SIS software was used to collect the data, while near real-time cleaning of data outliers was done using the Caris HIPS&SIPS software after conversion to Generic Sensor Format (GSF) for input into MB-System database manager. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data was parsed by SIS from a POSMv 320 v.4. RTG GPS data from the CNav 3050 GPS was used to correct and improve the position output from the POSMv with RTCM correction. Soundspeed information was either from CTD Rosette casts, MVP300 data or simulated from the World Ocean Atlas 2009 database. The resolution of data is 10 metres. Available tiles are in ESRI grid format (.asc). The OMG of University of New Brunswick were responsible for 2003-2013 data ( From 2014, responsibility switched to the Marine Geomorphology Laboratory of Laval University.
During the ArcticNet annual cruises of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere (basic meteorological elements, incident radiation, CO2 concentration) are monitored in conjunction with surface sea water properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved CO2 and O2) to observe the relationship between the surface micro-climate and the air-sea exchange, with particular interest in CO2. As part of this integrated dataset, the following radiation variables were recorded at 1 minute intervals (instrument used to collect each variable is in parentheses): -Incoming shortwave radiation (Eppley pyranometer, model PSP) -Incoming longwave radiation (Eppley pyrgeometer, model PIR) -Incoming photosynthetically active radiation (Kipp & Zonen, PAR-Lite) All instruments were mounted on a meteorological tower on the bow of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen
Zooplankton samples were collected onboard the research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen during Leg 1 in 2005 (4 stations) and Leg 1 in 2006 (8 stations) with a vertically towed net frame equipped with a set of 4 adjacent 1-m2 nets (mesh size 200 µm and 500 µm) from near the bottom to the surface and by trawling an oblique rectangular mid-water trawl (mesh size 1600 µm) or an oblique Tucker net (mesh size 2x500 µm) in the surface layer from 100 m depth to the surface. Samples were placed into 30 ml plastic vials and/or whirl-pak bags and were kept frozen at -20 Degree Celcius. Representative sub-samples of individual zooplankton genera were placed in 4 ml glass vials for stable isotope analysis. Three keystone zooplankton genus were included in this study: Calanus spp. (mostly adult Calanus hyperboreus), Themisto spp. (mostly adult Themisto libellula) and Euchaeta spp. THg analysis was conducted at the Freshwater Institute with cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS). MMHg analysis was conducted at the University of Ottawa by Gas Chromatography Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (GCAFS). Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analyses were performed at the University of Winnipeg Isotope Laboratory by continuous flow ion ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS). Oceanographic data (Hg levels in water column, salinity, 18O) were collected by our team. Water samples were collected with 24 12-L Niskin bottles attached to a rosette sampler equipped with Seabird 911+ CTD (Sea-Bird)
During the ArcticNet annual cruises of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere (basic meteorological elements, incident radiation, CO2 concentration) are monitored in conjunction with surface sea water properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved CO2 and O2) to observe the relationship between the surface micro-climate and the air-sea exchange, with particular interest in CO2. Central to this integrated dataset, the following meteorological variables were recorded at 1 minute intervals (instrument used to collect each variable is in parentheses, and approximate instrument height above surface is indicated): wind speed (RM Young Wind Monitor 05103) - 16m height; wind direction (RM Young Wind Monitor 05103) -16m height; air temperature (Vaisala HMP45C212) - 15m height; relative humidity (Vaisala HMP45C212) -15m height; and, surface temperature (Everest IR Transducer, 4000.44ZL) - 8m height. All instruments were mounted on a meteorological tower on the bow of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.
During the ArcticNet annual cruises of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere (basic meteorological elements, incident radiation, CO2 concentration) are monitored in conjunction with surface sea water properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved CO2 and O2) to observe the relationship between the surface micro-climate and the air-sea exchange, with particular interest in CO2. Central to this integrated dataset, the following meteorological variables were recorded at 1 minute intervals (instrument used to collect each variable is in parentheses, and approximate instrument height above surface is indicated): -Wind speed (RM Young Wind Monitor 05103) - 16m height -Wind direction (RM Young Wind Monitor 05103) -16m height -Air Temperature (Vaisala HMP45C212) - 15m height -Relative Humidity (Vaisala HMP45C212) -15m height -Surface temperature (Apogee SI-111 Precision Infrared radiometer) - 8m height All instruments were mounted on a meteorological tower on the bow of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.