Franklin Bay
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This dataset consists of vertical profiles of discrete depth sampled weekly at a fixed station under the ice in Franklin Bay (Southeastern Beaufort Sea) to determine bacteria abundance. Sampling took place from December 2003 to May 2004 through the moon-pool of the CCGS Amundsen for depth ranging from 10m to the bottom and through a hole in the ice cover for the surface depth (3-10m). Bacteria concentrations were counted by flow cytometry.
This dataset consists of vertical profiles of discrete depth sampled weekly at a fixed station under the ice in Franklin Bay (Southeastern Beaufort Sea) for chlorophyll a concentration of different size fractions: >0.7µm and >5µm. Sampling took place from December 2003 to May 2004 through the moon-pool of the CCGS Amundsen for depth ranging from 10m to the bottom and through a hole in the ice cover for the surface depth (3-10m). Chlorophyll a concentrations were determined by fluorimetry.
Sample collection: The sampling was part of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) in which CCGS Amundsen was frozen in Franklin Bay in the coastal Beaufort Sea (Station FB/200) during winter. Upper mixed-layer microbial plankton communities were sampled 5m below the water surface using the ship CTD rosette system equipped with 12L Niskins during openwater conditions. During the time that the ship was frozen in Franklin Bay from December 2003 to early June 2004, samples were taken using a 5L Niskin bottle from 3m below the bottom ice through a 300mm hole that had been drilled 500m upstream of the ship. HPLC pigment analysis: One to two liter samples of water were filtered onto Whatman GF/F filters and stored frozen at -80C until analysis. Phytoplankton pigments on the GF/Fs were extracted in 3mL of 95 percent MeOH and 100 uL of the extracts was injected into a Varian ProStar HPLC equipped with a Symmetry C8 column. The HPLC peaks were detected by diode-array spectroscopy (350-750nm) and absorbance chromatograms were obtained at 440 (for chls) and 450nm (for carotenoids). Chlorophylls were also detected by fluorescence (excitation: 440nm; emission: 650nm). The HPLC solvent protocol was based on gradient dilution with two solvent mixtures (Zapata et al. 2000): a methanol, acetonitrile, and aqueous pyridine (50:25:25 v:v:v) solution; and a methanol, acetonitrile, and acetone (20:60:20 v:v:v) solution. The flow rate was 1mL/ min, and the equilibration time was 7min.
The CTD data was obtained during LEG 05 of the 2004 CASES scientific cruise #0402. This Leg was carried out from February 18th 2004 to March 30th 2004 aboard the CCGS Amundsen. There were 90 CTD casts in Leg 5. All of these casts, associated to the overwintering oceanographic station, are located in Beaufort Sea research area. The following parameters were measured: temperature, conductivity and pressure (with a Sea-Bird 911 probe), oxygen (Sea-Bird 43), pH (Seabird 18), fluorescence (Seapoint fluorometer), nitrates (Satlantic MBARI ISUS), transmittance (Wetlabs C-Star transmissometer), PAR/Irradiance and SPAR/Irradiance (Biospherical Instruments QC2300). Data were quality controlled. Data are available on the Polar Data Catalogue and at the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) of Fisheries and Ocean Canada.
Total inorganic carbon, alkalinity, total organic carbon, and salinity measured in melted ice core sections. Full core profiles with 10-cm resolution taken weekly at Takatuk. Partial pressure of CO2 measured 2-3 times per week through peepers at three depths at each of 6 locations, 3 at Takatuk and 3 at Bruney Island. Total inorganic carbon measured coulometrically, alkalinity by potentiometric titration, organic carbon by high temperature catalytic combustion, and salinity by diffraction. pCO2 measured by gas chromatograph.
Samples collected by rosette or hand-deployed niskin, directly transferred into acid-washed and backed glass vials with teflon-lined silicone septa caps, and frozen at -20 or -80 C. Analyses conducted by high-temperature catalytic combustion and calibrated again standards provided by the University of Miami. In 2002, all samples were total organic carbon (TOC), and in 2003-04, all samples were dissolved organc carbon (DOC, filtered through combusted GFF), and TOC was also collected at full stations at in surface waters at the overwintering site.
Microbial and environmental variables were collected from 8 depths at a 200-m deep site in Franklin Bay on 33 occasions, from 4 November 2003 to 6 August 2004, aboard the CCGS Amundsen. The following variables were measured: depth, temperature and salinity (Seabird 911+ CTD); CDOM (coloured dissolved organic matter) absorption coefficient at 320 nm (Varian Cary Bio 300 scanning spectrophotometer); chlorophyll a (ethanol pigment extraction); bacteria abundance (epifluorescence microscopy); tritiated leucine and thymidine incorporation rates (centrifugation method). Bacterial carbon production (BP) was estimated from leucine incorporation using the carbon conversion factor of 1.5 kgC/mol of leucine incorporation. BP was also estimated from thymidine incorporation using (1) the empirical carbon conversion factor of 2.0 x10^18 cells/mol of thymidine incorporated and (2) the bacterial cellular biomass of 10 fgC/cell.
The CTD data was obtained during LEG 03 of the 2003 CASES scientific cruise #0305. This Leg was carried out from November 26th 2003 to January 6th 2004 aboard the CCGS Amundsen. There were 61 CTD casts in Leg 3. All of these casts, associated to the overwintering oceanographic station, are located in Beaufort Sea research area. The following parameters were measured: temperature, conductivity and pressure (with a Sea-Bird 911 probe), oxygen (Sea-Bird 43), pH (Seabird 18), fluorescence (Seapoint fluorometer), nitrates (Satlantic MBARI ISUS), transmittance (Wetlabs C-Star transmissometer), PAR/Irradiance and SPAR/Irradiance (Biospherical Instruments QC2300). Data were quality controlled. Data are available on the Polar Data Catalogue and at the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) of Fisheries and Ocean Canada.
The CTD data was obtained during LEG 02 of the 2003 CASES scientific cruise #0304. This Leg was carried out from October 15th 2003 to November 25th 2003 aboard the CCGS Amundsen. There were 147 CTD casts in Leg 2. All of these casts, associated to 109 oceanographic stations, are located in the Beaufort Sea research area. The following parameters were measured: temperature, conductivity and pressure (with a Sea-Bird 911 probe), oxygen (Sea-Bird 43), pH (Seabird 18), fluorescence (Seapoint fluorometer), nitrates (Satlantic MBARI ISUS), transmittance (Wetlabs C-Star transmissometer), PAR/Irradiance and SPAR/Irradiance (Biospherical Instruments QC2300). Data were quality controlled. Data are available on the Polar Data Catalogue and at the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) of Fisheries and Ocean Canada.
The CTD data was obtained during LEG 06 of the 2004 CASES scientific cruise #0403. This Leg was carried out from March 31th 2004 to May 12th 2004 aboard the CCGS Amundsen. There were 91 CTD casts in Leg 6. All of these casts, associated to the overwintering oceanographic station, are located in Beaufort Sea research area. The following parameters were measured: temperature, conductivity and pressure (with a Sea-Bird 911 probe), oxygen (Sea-Bird 43), pH (Seabird 18), fluorescence (Seapoint fluorometer), nitrates (Satlantic MBARI ISUS), transmittance (Wetlabs C-Star transmissometer), PAR/Irradiance and SPAR/Irradiance (Biospherical Instruments QC2300). Data were quality controlled. Data are available on the Polar Data Catalogue and at the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) of Fisheries and Ocean Canada.